Tuesday 18 September 2012


I.  Answer in 3 lines [3 marks]
1.      Why it is safer to be inside a car than a man standing under a tree during lightning.
2.      List the uses of Capacitor.
3.      What is current density?
4.      What is temperature coefficient of resistance?
5.      Define Peltier co-efficient.
6.      State Fleming’s left hand rule
7.      What is fluresence and phosphorescence?
8.      Why the central image of Newton ring is dark?
9.      What are the important characteristics of LASER?
10.  What is photoelectric effect?
11.  What is α- decay?
12.  What do you meant by p- type & n-type semiconductors?
13.  What is Zenor breakdown?
14.  What are the advantages of negative feedback?
15.  What is meant by SKIP distance?
16.  State Coulomb’s law in electrostatics.
17.  What is polar molecule?
18.  State Kirchoff’s II law for electrical networks.
19.   State the applications of Super conductors.
20.  What is Ampere’s circuital law?
21.  State the method of producing induced emf?
22.  What is rms value of ac?
23.  What is Tyndal scattering?
24.  Why sky appears blue at noon?
25.  State Mosley’s law
26.  List the applications of electron microscope
27.  Define Curie
28.  What is pair production and annihilation of matter?
29.  What do you understand by extrinsic semiconductor?
30.  Define Modulation factor
31.  State Demorgan’s theorem
32.  Give the Barkhausen criteria for oscillations

II. Answer briefly [5 marks]
1.      Write the properties of lines of force.
2.      Explain the reactions at the electrodes of Leclanche cell.
3.      What are the losses occur at Transformer? How to minimize it?
4.      Explain Einstein’s theory of photoelectric effect.
5.      Explain length contraction.
6.      State & prove Demorgan’s theorem
7.      Draw the block diagram of AM radio transmitter.
8.      Explain Wheatstone’s bridge.
9.      State and explain faradays laws of electrolysis. Verify experimentally.
10.  Give the method of converting a galvanometer into an ammeter.
11.  State and explain Brewster’s law with a diagram.
12.  Explain the spectral series of hydrogen atom.
13.  Give any 5 applications of photocells.
14.  Derive the relation E = mc2
15.  What are the advantages and application of FO communication system?
III. Answer in Details [10 marks]
1.       State Gauss’ law. By using this, calculate the electric field due to
a.       long infinitely long straight charge with uniform charge density
b.      an infinite plane sheet of charge of q.
2.      Obtain a expression for the magnetic induction at a point due to an infinitely long straight conductor carrying current.
3.      Describe the principle, construction and working of a single phase a.c.generator.
4.      Derive an expression for bandwidth of interference fringes in young’s double slit exp.
5.      Deduce the expression for the radius of nth orbit of an electron based on Bohr’s theory.
6.      Discuss the principle of Bain bridge mass spectrometer to determine the isotopic masses.
7.      What is rectification? Explain the working of bridge rectifier with diagram and input output signal graph.
8.      Write analysis of amplitude modulated wave with the help of frequency spectrum.
9.      Explain Van De Graff generator.
10.  Explain Joules calorimeter to verify Joules laws of heating.
11.  Explain RLC circuit with the help of a vector diagram and impedence diagram.
12.  Raman scattering of light – explain.
13.  Explain the He – Ne LASER with the help of energy level diagram
14.  Explain Geiger – Muller counter.
15.  Sketch the circuit of colpitt’s oscillator and its working.
16.  Explain mono chrome TV receiver.

1.Derive an expression for the Electric field at a point on the (i) axial line and (ii) equatorial line of an electric dipole
2.Describe the principle construction and working of Van de Graff Generator.
3.State Gauss’ theorem and apply it to find the electric field at a point due to A point charge, line of charge , plane sheet of charge, charged spherical conducting shell
4.Derive expression for the potential energy of a system of point charges.
5.Derive expression for the torque on a dipole in a uniform electric field.
6.Derive expression for the work done in turning a dipole in a uniform electric field.
7.Derive an expression for the potential energy of a dipole in a uniform electric field.
8.Explain the principle of a parallel plate capacitor
9.Derive an expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor.
10.  Derive an expression for the effective capacitance when three capacitors are connected in (i) series (ii) parallel
11.  Derive an expression for the energy stored in a parallel plate capacitor.
12.  Derive an expression for the loss of energy when two conductors at different potentials are brought into electrical contact. Account for this energy.
13.  Derive and expression for the energy density of a parallel plate capacitor.
14.  Derive I = nAeVd
15.  Define drift velocity and derive an expression for it.
16.  Deduce Ohm’s law from elementary concepts.
17.  State Biot Savart’s Law and apply it to find the magnetic field at a point due to long straight conductor carrying current
18.  State Ampere’s circuital theorem and apply it to find the magnetic field inside a (i) solenoid (ii) toroid
19.  State the Principle of a potentiometer and Explain how is it used (i) to determine the internal resistance of a primary cell (ii) to compare the emfs of two primary cells
20.  State Kirchhoff’s laws and apply it to derive Wheatstone’s bridge principle.
21.  Explain how will you use a metre bridge to find the resistance of a given resistor wire?
22.  Describe the elements of earth’s magnetic field.
23.  Compare the properties of para dia and ferromagnetic substances.
24.  Derive an expression for the effective resistance  when three resistors  are connected in (i) series (ii) parallel
25.  Describe the principle construction and working of CYCLOTRON. Derive an expression for cyclotron frequency. Why electrons cannot be accelerated in a cyclotron?
26.  Derive an expression for the force between two straight long parallel conductors carrying constant current and hence define one ampere.
27.  Describe the principle construction and working of Moving Coil Galvanometer.
28.  Derive an expression for the torque on a current carrying loop kept in a uniform magnetic field
29.  Explain how will you convert a galvanometer into (i) an ammeter (ii) a voltmeter
30.  Define motional emf and derive an expression for it.
31.  What are eddy currents? Explain its applications
32.  What is self induction and self inductance? Derive an expression for the self inductance of a long solenoid carrying current
33.  Define mutual induction and mutual inductance. Derive an expression for the mutual inductance of a pair of solenoids. What are the factors affecting the mutual inductance of a pair of solenoids?
34.  Derive an expression for the average value of ac for a half cycle.
35.  Derive an expression for the RMS  value of ac
36.  Explain the principle and construction of a transformer and the various losses in a transformer.
37.  Derive an expression for impedance of a series LCR circuit. Define resonance is series LCR circuit and derive an expression for resonant frequency.
38.  Derive an expression for average power in an AC circuit. Define power factor and show that the average power consumed in a pure inductor or a pure capacitor is zero.
39.  Define Q factor of resonance. Derive an expression for Q factor.
40.  Derive lens makers formula
41.  Derive mirror formula
42.  Derive a relation connecting object distance and image distance when a point object kept in from of a convex refracting surface forms a real image inside the denser medium. (Also practice other similar cases for real images and virtual images as well as for convex interface and concave interface)
43.  Derive an expression relating angle of prism, angle of incidence, angle of emergence and angle of deviation when light is refracted by a prism
44.   Derive n = sin (A+D)/2 / sin (A/2) for refraction through a prism.
45.  Derive an expression for the effective focal length of the combination of two lenses in contact.

 Mrs. Suprriyyaa Senthilkumar,
Sai Study Centre, Madurai
I.  Answer in 3 lines [3 marks]
1.      Why it is safer to be inside a car than a man standing under a tree during lightning.
2.      List the uses of Capacitor.
3.      What is current density?
4.      What is temperature coefficient of resistance?
5.      Define Peltier co-efficient.
6.      State Fleming’s left hand rule
7.      What is fluresence and phosphorescence?
8.      Why the central image of Newton ring is dark?
9.      What are the important characteristics of LASER?
10.  What is photoelectric effect?
11.  What is α- decay?
12.  What do you meant by p- type & n-type semiconductors?
13.  What is Zenor breakdown?
14.  What are the advantages of negative feedback?
15.  What is meant by SKIP distance?
16.  State Coulomb’s law in electrostatics.
17.  What is polar molecule?
18.  State Kirchoff’s II law for electrical networks.
19.   State the applications of Super conductors.
20.  What is Ampere’s circuital law?
21.  State the method of producing induced emf?
22.  What is rms value of ac?
23.  What is Tyndal scattering?
24.  Why sky appears blue at noon?
25.  State Mosley’s law
26.  List the applications of electron microscope
27.  Define Curie
28.  What is pair production and annihilation of matter?
29.  What do you understand by extrinsic semiconductor?
30.  Define Modulation factor
31.  State Demorgan’s theorem
32.  Give the Barkhausen criteria for oscillations

II. Answer briefly [5 marks]
1.      Write the properties of lines of force.
2.      Explain the reactions at the electrodes of Leclanche cell.
3.      What are the losses occur at Transformer? How to minimize it?
4.      Explain Einstein’s theory of photoelectric effect.
5.      Explain length contraction.
6.      State & prove Demorgan’s theorem
7.      Draw the block diagram of AM radio transmitter.
8.      Explain Wheatstone’s bridge.
9.      State and explain faradays laws of electrolysis. Verify experimentally.
10.  Give the method of converting a galvanometer into an ammeter.
11.  State and explain Brewster’s law with a diagram.
12.  Explain the spectral series of hydrogen atom.
13.  Give any 5 applications of photocells.
14.  Derive the relation E = mc2
15.  What are the advantages and application of FO communication system?
III. Answer in Details [10 marks]
1.       State Gauss’ law. By using this, calculate the electric field due to
a.       long infinitely long straight charge with uniform charge density
b.      an infinite plane sheet of charge of q.
2.      Obtain a expression for the magnetic induction at a point due to an infinitely long straight conductor carrying current.
3.      Describe the principle, construction and working of a single phase a.c.generator.
4.      Derive an expression for bandwidth of interference fringes in young’s double slit exp.
5.      Deduce the expression for the radius of nth orbit of an electron based on Bohr’s theory.
6.      Discuss the principle of Bain bridge mass spectrometer to determine the isotopic masses.
7.      What is rectification? Explain the working of bridge rectifier with diagram and input output signal graph.
8.      Write analysis of amplitude modulated wave with the help of frequency spectrum.
9.      Explain Van De Graff generator.
10.  Explain Joules calorimeter to verify Joules laws of heating.
11.  Explain RLC circuit with the help of a vector diagram and impedence diagram.
12.  Raman scattering of light – explain.
13.  Explain the He – Ne LASER with the help of energy level diagram
14.  Explain Geiger – Muller counter.
15.  Sketch the circuit of colpitt’s oscillator and its working.
16.  Explain mono chrome TV receiver.

1.Derive an expression for the Electric field at a point on the (i) axial line and (ii) equatorial line of an electric dipole
2.Describe the principle construction and working of Van de Graff Generator.
3.State Gauss’ theorem and apply it to find the electric field at a point due to A point charge, line of charge , plane sheet of charge, charged spherical conducting shell
4.Derive expression for the potential energy of a system of point charges.
5.Derive expression for the torque on a dipole in a uniform electric field.
6.Derive expression for the work done in turning a dipole in a uniform electric field.
7.Derive an expression for the potential energy of a dipole in a uniform electric field.
8.Explain the principle of a parallel plate capacitor
9.Derive an expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor.
10.  Derive an expression for the effective capacitance when three capacitors are connected in (i) series (ii) parallel
11.  Derive an expression for the energy stored in a parallel plate capacitor.
12.  Derive an expression for the loss of energy when two conductors at different potentials are brought into electrical contact. Account for this energy.
13.  Derive and expression for the energy density of a parallel plate capacitor.
14.  Derive I = nAeVd
15.  Define drift velocity and derive an expression for it.
16.  Deduce Ohm’s law from elementary concepts.
17.  State Biot Savart’s Law and apply it to find the magnetic field at a point due to long straight conductor carrying current
18.  State Ampere’s circuital theorem and apply it to find the magnetic field inside a (i) solenoid (ii) toroid
19.  State the Principle of a potentiometer and Explain how is it used (i) to determine the internal resistance of a primary cell (ii) to compare the emfs of two primary cells
20.  State Kirchhoff’s laws and apply it to derive Wheatstone’s bridge principle.
21.  Explain how will you use a metre bridge to find the resistance of a given resistor wire?
22.  Describe the elements of earth’s magnetic field.
23.  Compare the properties of para dia and ferromagnetic substances.
24.  Derive an expression for the effective resistance  when three resistors  are connected in (i) series (ii) parallel
25.  Describe the principle construction and working of CYCLOTRON. Derive an expression for cyclotron frequency. Why electrons cannot be accelerated in a cyclotron?
26.  Derive an expression for the force between two straight long parallel conductors carrying constant current and hence define one ampere.
27.  Describe the principle construction and working of Moving Coil Galvanometer.
28.  Derive an expression for the torque on a current carrying loop kept in a uniform magnetic field
29.  Explain how will you convert a galvanometer into (i) an ammeter (ii) a voltmeter
30.  Define motional emf and derive an expression for it.
31.  What are eddy currents? Explain its applications
32.  What is self induction and self inductance? Derive an expression for the self inductance of a long solenoid carrying current
33.  Define mutual induction and mutual inductance. Derive an expression for the mutual inductance of a pair of solenoids. What are the factors affecting the mutual inductance of a pair of solenoids?
34.  Derive an expression for the average value of ac for a half cycle.
35.  Derive an expression for the RMS  value of ac
36.  Explain the principle and construction of a transformer and the various losses in a transformer.
37.  Derive an expression for impedance of a series LCR circuit. Define resonance is series LCR circuit and derive an expression for resonant frequency.
38.  Derive an expression for average power in an AC circuit. Define power factor and show that the average power consumed in a pure inductor or a pure capacitor is zero.
39.  Define Q factor of resonance. Derive an expression for Q factor.
40.  Derive lens makers formula
41.  Derive mirror formula
42.  Derive a relation connecting object distance and image distance when a point object kept in from of a convex refracting surface forms a real image inside the denser medium. (Also practice other similar cases for real images and virtual images as well as for convex interface and concave interface)
43.  Derive an expression relating angle of prism, angle of incidence, angle of emergence and angle of deviation when light is refracted by a prism
44.   Derive n = sin (A+D)/2 / sin (A/2) for refraction through a prism.
45.  Derive an expression for the effective focal length of the combination of two lenses in contact.