Friday 11 May 2012

Mathematical Formula Samacheer X



General form of A.P:  a, a+d, a+2d, …    
tn = a+ [n-1]d
sn =n/2 [2a + [n-1]d]    or n/2 [a+l]

No. of terms in AP is n= (l-a /d )+ 1

General form of G.P: a, ar, ar2, … 
tn = arn-1         
sn = a(rn -1) / r-1 if r>1

sn = a(1-rn ) / r-1 if r<1

sn = an if r =1

sα = a / 1-r  if r<1

εn = n(n+1) / 2

εn2 = n(n+1) (2n +1) / 2

εn3 = n2 (n+1) 2 / 4



Volume = πr2 h cu.units

Curved surface area = 2πrh sq.units

Total surface area == 2πr[r+h] sq.units

Hollow Cylinder:

Volume = πh [R+r] [R –r] cu.units

Curved surface area = 2πh [R+r] sq.units

Total surface area =  2π [R+r] [R-r+h] sq.units

l2 = h2 +r2

Right circular cone:

Volume of the cone = 1/3r2h cu.units

Curved surface area = πrl sq.units

Total surface area = πr (l+r) sq.units

Radius of the cone r = Ө / 360* l

Volume of Frustum of a cone = 1/3 πh [ R2+Rr +r2] cu.units

Sphere:                                                                       HOLLOW SPHERE

Volume of the sphere = 4/3 πr3 cu.units                     4/3 π (R3 – r3)

Surface of the sphere = 4πr2 sq.units

Hemisphere:                                                               HOLLOW H.SPHERE

Volume = 2/3 πr3 cu.units                                           2/3 π (R3 – r3)

Curved surface area = 2πr2 sq.units                            2π (R2 – r2)

Total surface area = 3 πr2 sq.units                              2π (R2 + r2) +π (R2 – r2)


AU(B C) = (AUB) ∩    (AUC)

A (BUC) = (A∩   B) U (A∩   C)

n (AUBUC) = n(A) + n(B) + n(C) – n(A∩ B) –n(B∩ C) – n(C∩ A) + n(A∩ B ∩C)

De Morgan’s Laws for set difference
A\ (BUC) = (A/B) ∩ (A/C)
A\ (B∩C) = (A/B) U (A/C)

Complementation: (AUB)1 = A ∩ B              (A∩B) = A U B

Symmetric differences A∆B = (A\ B) U (B \ A)


If [x – a] divides p(x) the remainder id p(a)

If [x – a] is a factor of  p(x) then  p(a) = 0

p (x) * q (x ) = GCD * LCM

Sum of the roots = -b/a ; Product of the roots = c / a

If Δ = b2 -4ac < 0 the roots are REAL
   Δ = 0 the roots are REAL and EQUAL

   Δ  > 0 not a perfect square i.e., the roots are REAL, UNEQUAL and IRRATIONAL

   Δ  > 0 a perfect square i.e., the roots are REAL, UNEQUAL and RATIONAL


Þ    Matrix is a rectangular array of rows and columns
Þ    All scalar matrix is also called Diagonal matrix
Þ    All Diagonal matrix need not be scalar
Þ    Unit matrix is also scalar matrix
Þ    2 matrix can be multiplied by using row – by- column mode
Þ    The multiplicative  identity is unit matrix


Distance formula d =  √ (x2 –x1)2 + (y2 –y1)2

Mid – point = [x2 + x1 / 2  , y2 +y1 / 2]

Centroid = [x2 + x1 + x3 / 3 , y2 +y1+y3 /3]

Area of the Triangle = ½ [ x1 (y2 – y3) + x2 (y3 – y1) +x3 (y1 – y2) ]

If the 3 points are collinear (x 1y2 +x2 y3 + x3 y2) – ( x2 y3 + x3 y1 + x1 y2 )  = 0

Slope of a Straight line: m = tan Ө

Slope of the line joining points (x , y ) = y – y1 / x – x1

Given the slope m and y intercept, the eq. is y = mx + c

Given the slope m and (x , y ) intercept, the eq. is y – y1 = m (x – x1 )

Eq. of the line joining 2 points is y – y1 / y2 – y1  = x – x1 / x2 – x1

If x – intercept and y – intercept are given then line eq. is x /a + y / b = 1 

Two lines are parallel if m1 = m2

Two lines are perpendicular if m1* m2 = -1

Any line parallel to X –axis  y = k

Any line parallel to Y –axis  x = c


Sin 2 Ө  + Cos 2 Ө = 1

1 + tan2 Ө  = Sec2 Ө     
1 + cot2 Ө  = Cosec2 Ө           


Arithmetic mean = x = εx /n and εfd /f

Arithmetic mean =  A + εfd / f * C [c- class intervals]

Standard Deviation s = √εd2 / n  d = x- x [x is the mean]

                                      √εd2 /n – (εd /n)2  [d = x –A, A is assumed mean]

                                      √εd2 /n – (εd /n)2  * C  [d = x –A/ C]                     

 Variance = s2

The co-eff. Of variation = s /x * 100

If CV is more the consistence of given data is less
If CV is less the consistence of given data is more

s Remains unchanged when each value is added / subtracted by the same quantity.


P(A) = n(A) / n(S) [ n(S) > n(A)]

For any event A, P(A) ≥ 0

For any sure event P(S) = P(A) + P(A’) =1

If two events are mutually EXCLUSIVE events of A,B  P(AUB) = P(A) + P(B)

If two events are mutually NON- EXCLUSIVE events of A,B
                                                   P (AUB) = P (A) + P (B) – P (A ∩ B)

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